
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Winston Churchill

If you are reading this, you are probably in a country with high resources, and you have yourself a decently paid job (or much more than decent!).

Not everyone is as lucky as you and me. I believe that our responsibility is to help as much as we can the less fortunate.

Now, I am not there to force anybody, but the world would be a better place if we all made a little effort to give something.

I contribute by donating to charities by giving a fixed (and increasing) percentage of my income each month to those two:

> UNICEF: their mission is to protect, vaccinate, and educate children.

> WaterAid: they help communities worldwide get clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene.


Because I want to live in a world where everyone has access to clean water and decent hygiene, and children have a chance to live healthy, free, and get an education. That's part of fundamental human rights.

Of course, there are many other charities, so feel free to choose the ones you feel close to. 😊

Many thanks for those who need your help 🙏